Day 5: Flash Chilling

Today's stats:
Energy level: Medium
Overall weight loss: -7.8 lbs (no change since yesterday)
Tongue: Mild coating-- improving!
Mood: Excellent
Mental clarity: Excellent

I'm honestly relieved my weight didn't drop again. Losing 7.8 lbs is a LOT for just a few days, so I'm glad the weight loss seems to be slowing down. I also notice that my hunger is starting dissipate, as well.

This morning a friend sent me a very informative video about the raw milk "cure": 7 Biggest Mistakes on Raw Milk Diet Cure

I'm learning that a raw milk diet is actually much more widely practiced than I realized! And a lot of people have used it to heal from lots of different problems. Personally, I'm not using this raw milk fast to "cure" anything--it's more about a mental and spiritual "reset"-- praying for clarity about my life and certain decisions that I'm facing. But it's cool to know that many people are still using this practice and getting great results. There was a lot of great information in the video that I hadn't been aware of before. Here were 2 big take-aways for me:

-Flash chilling: This video alleges that the flash chilling process that Organic Pastures uses destroys the beneficial bacteria lactobacillus. That's why the milk doesn't turn into yogurt when it's left out on the counter. I actually contacted Organic Pastures about this, asking if they had any information on how the flash chilling affects the milk and how much of the lactobacillus survives the process. I'm already supplementing my diet with kefir, so I'm definitely getting plenty of probiotics from that. I'm not sure whether or not the flash chilling is that big of an issue for me personally-- but if someone were using a raw milk diet to heal their guts from Crohn's/leaky gut/inflammation, then that might be an important thing to consider. I'll give an update after I speak with Organic Pastures-- they actually offer one-on-one calls with their staff (including the CEO)-- to ask questions about their milk and learn about their practices. SO COOL! [***UPDATE***: I got a call back right away from Mark, CEO of Organic Pastures, and he assured me that the video is incorrect. Their chilling process slows the growth of beneficial bacteria in the milk, but nothing is damaged in that process. The milk retains all of its probiotic benefits--good to know!] I also contacted Claravale to ask about whether they flash chill their milk. What I like about Claravale is that they raise Jersey cows-- which is a less genetically modified breed and more closely related to the indigenous breed of cows from India. There two farms are the only 2 in my area that provide raw milk. You can search for raw milk distributers in your area by using this website: the Real Milk Finder.

-Smaller portions: I've been drinking a lot of milk all at once (2 cups), but the video made a good point about smaller portions being easier to digest, so I'm going to start doing that. Only 1 cup at a time-- and I'll just sip on it instead of gulping it down 😂

The video references the book Milk Diet as a Remedy for Chronic Disease by Charles Sanford Porter, published in 1911. If you click on that link, you can access the entire book on an internet archive or even download a PDF. Apparently Porter helped over 18,000 people improve their health with the raw milk diet! Wow! Looks like I have another book to add to my reading list...


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